Welcome to our newest disclosure project. I can assure you that you won't have come across a project quite exactly like this before. Why? Because some of the concepts that we tackle, whilst they may be areas you are familiar with, they are not subjects that most bible prophecy ministries have tackled to the extent that we have done in this project.

Please support us on this new project. A lot of dedication and commitment has gone towards providing something that you will be hard pressed to find anywhere else in terms of the depth of content, presentation and value.

Let's dive straight into this new project and explore further.

Colin Morris
Project Lead, Day of Wonders

In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s short story “The Artist of the Beautiful” (1844), a prototypical quirk with few social graces and no head for business turns a watchmaker’s shop into an artist’s studio where, ultimately, he creates a clockwork butterfly in every way indistinguishable from a real butterfly except in its being even more beautiful.

Although most of the story is about how misunderstood this quirky clockmaker is, Hawthorne’s deeper concern is the fundamental mistake of supposing that the idea of artistic creation is not just to create something that is like reality but rather something that amounts to a new reality, a creation to rival God’s own. The story presents us with a foretaste of our own time in which, to an ever greater extent, we expect the artist to become God.

It is highly unlikely that the author, Nathaniel Hawthorne, could even imagine that the concept played out in his short story could ever be taken to the heights it did in 2009 with the release of a Hollywood blockbuster movie called "Avatar".

Directed by James Cameron, Avatar follows the story of a soldier (Corporal Jake Sully) from Earth who visits an alien planet called Pandora, and befriends a tribe of human-like creatures, called the Na'vi, who live there. The twist is that Sully, lost the use of his legs while on duty as a Marine. He suffered a spinal injury in an unnamed war while fighting in Venezuela. The injury was severe, leaving him paralyzed from the waist down. Since his veteran benefits are not enough to pay for the surgery to repair his spine, he has no choice but to live out his life in a wheelchair.

But in a bizarre twist of fate Sully is asked to participate in a breakthrough technology which allows his consciousness to be transferred from his physical body to a host body built to resemble the Na'vi  known as an Avatar. By consciously controlling the movement of the Avatar he is able to enjoy access to complete physical movement as a means to integrate and blend in with this completely different civilization

The film was among the first to utilize digitally intense production. In his view, movie director James Cameron, believed making Avatar would require blending live-action sequences and digitally captured performances in a three-dimensional, computer-generated world. The project was so ambitious that it took 10 more years before Cameron felt cinema technology had advanced to the point where Avatar was even possible. Furthermore, only about 25 percent of the movie was created using traditional live performances on sets. The rest took place in an entirely computer-generated world.



"Avatar" is the story of an ex-Marine who finds himself thrust into hostilities on an alien planet filled with exotic life forms. As an Avatar, a human mind in an alien body, he finds himself torn between two worlds, in a desperate fight for his own survival and that of the indigenous people. In the scene below, Sully awakens his Avatar for the first time and discovers a new world with new possibilities.



Avatar indeed set new standards in visual effects and motion capture which has since been further today. But more importantly the movie fueled the debate as to the ethics, spirituality and legal implications of a technology that allowed for consciousness to be transferred between different organic bodies.

In fact in a recent Netflix series called     we see an example of this where two friends discover the means through astral projection for their spirit matter to leave their bodies. They then decide to experiment by swapping bodies in returning their spirit into the other friends body. But due to a sadistic and bizarre plot one friend kills the other in order to maintain residing in the new body.

4 years after the release of Avatar, Dmitry Itskov, a Russian multimillionaire founded the "Russia 2045 project." The initiative started in February of 2012 in which the first congress was held in Moscow. There were over 50 world leading scientists from multiple disciplines who met to develop a strategy for transferring a human's individual consciousness to an artificial carrier through cybernetic technology within the next three decades. The movement grew even further when its annual conference was held in New York in June 2013 where it metamorphosed into "Global Futures 2045."

The aim of the 2045 initiative is simply for man to achieve a state of godhood where even if the body dies the consciousness is preserved in another tangible vessel known as an Avatar. The movement's significant partnerships with the World Transhumanist Association, immense research into Cryogenics, Nanotechnology, Human cloning and Artificial Intelligence, and significant backing from spiritual leaders such as the Dalai Lama, set it apart during that time as the world's premier forum for the research of extended life forms (ELFs).

The project mapped out several sequential development stages of the Avatar with the first step, called Avatar A, which was supposed to be due in 2020, involving a person controlling a robotic human replica via a brain-machine interface (BMI), a technology that already exists today. The next step, Avatar B, is supposed to be due in 2025, which involves transplanting a human brain into an artificial body at the end of a person’s life. The third step, known as Avatar C and due in 2035, will also involve a human-machine brain transplant, with all personality intact, although to achieve this step, it will be necessary to create a computer model of human consciousness.


Avatar derives from a Sanskrit word meaning "descent," and when it first appeared in English in the late 18th century, it referred to the descent of a deity to the earth—typically, the incarnation in earthly form of Vishnu or another Hindu deity. It later came to refer to any incarnation in human form, and then to any embodiment (such as that of a concept or philosophy), whether or not in the form of a person. In the age of technology, avatar has developed another sense—it can now be used for the image that a person chooses as his or her "embodiment" in an electronic medium as seen commonly on social media platforms.

The ultimate and crowning objective is that by 2045, the 2045 Initiative will have learned enough about the human mind to free it completely from physical form and help individual personalities manifest themselves as holograms when they need to interact with their environment.



When the "Russia 2045" project was released it was accompanied by a short introductory video called "2045: A New Era For Humanity", where they talked about the dawning of a new area, the era of neohumanity.



Avatar is not the only movie in modern times which espouses the idea of transporting consciousness from a human body to an artificial carrier. In 2017 a science fiction movie called "The Beyond" played upon a similar concept, but with a much more intricate insight into how this technological leap could happen in reality and this time rather than just the transfer of consciousness itself, the actual transfer of the human brain to a new synthetic carrier. The purpose of these experiments was to create synthetic beings capable of surviving the harsh conditions of interstellar travel.

By all standards this is possibly one of the most realistic futuristic movies to cover the concept of "consciousness transfer" due to the documentary style of the movie and the way it explores the ethical and emotional aspects around the decision making of those brave enough to be involved in such dangerous experiments.



One of the most dramatic moments in this movie is when the Human 2.0 project attempts the brain transplantation process. In the short video segment below watch both the tension, remorse and jubilation observed from the transplantation process, eerily conveying the true reality of the pitfalls associated with this type of technological endeavor.



One could be forgiven for thinking that what we observed in "Avatar" and "The Beyond" is just science fiction. Certainly when Avatar was released in 2009 many news outlets at the time covered the question as to how far mankind was away from being able to achieve such momentous technological breakthrough, especially with the rise of technology initiatives such as Global Futures 2045 and the European Union Human Brain Project.

However many of you may not been aware that whilst a brain transplant is yet to be successfully achieved in humans, this notorious scientific quest has been the dream of reprobate scientists for decades.

Italian surgeon Sergio Canavero says his plans to carry out the first human head transplant by 2017 are a step closer. The controversial scientist claims Dr Xiaoping Ren at Harbin Medical University in China has successfully conducted a monkey head transplant, connecting the blood supply between the head and new body, but critically, not the spinal cord. According to reports, Dr Ren completed his first ‘successful’ head transplant on a mouse in July 2013 after ten hours of surgery. Since then he has experimented on over 1,000 mice to try and ‘perfect’ the technique.

Despite his efforts, none of the mice survived for longer than one day. Disturbing photos of mice after the surgery show that they are paralysed and some even have different coloured heads to their bodies.

Previous attempts to carry out head transplants in animals have proved both gruesome and unsuccessful. In 1954, a Russian surgeon attempted to transplant the head and forelegs of a puppy onto the back of another dog. Despite trying the procedure a few times, all of them only managed to survive for a few days.

Probably one of the most talked about experiments took place in 1970 when the head of a monkey was ‘successfully’ transplanted onto another monkeys’ body in the USA. However, the monkey was completely paralysed, could only breathe with the help of a machine and died eight days later when his head was rejected by the donor monkeys’ immune system.

The question is

When it comes to prophecies about the end times most of the focus tends to center on the writings of Daniel, Ezekiel, John and the words of Jesus Christ himself. However in II Thessalonians the Apostle Paul gives a specific prophecy about the end times in which he states the following.

Here Paul is talking about the coming of the Antichrist and states that the nature of his coming will be associated with false signs and wonders. He also infers that God will allow for a very strong delusion as punishment to those that reject the word of God. This also ties into the prophecy of Jesus in Matthew 24:24 where he said the signs and wonders would be so persuasive that they would come very close to deceiving even true believers.

"For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect." Matthew 24:24

The mention of false prophets is interesting considering we have spent a considerable length of time in previous projects discussing the role of the False Prophet in the end times and how one interpretation that is gaining momentum is that the coming False Prophet will be a man of technology rather than a man of religion

And it performed great signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to the earth in full view of the people." Revelation 13:13

1. Hologram Technology: In Revelation 13 it says that the False Prophet is able to call down fire from heaven, But is it real fire because the scripture says "it deceived the inhabitants of the earth" Could this deception be the fact that it is an imitation? This is open for debate. But it's clear this visual development is either an advanced form of technology or supernatural sorcery or a combination of both.

"And it performed great signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to the earth in full view of the people. 14 Because of the signs it was given power to perform on behalf of the first beast, it deceived the inhabitants of the earth. It ordered them to set up an image in honor of the beast who was wounded by the sword and yet lived. 15 The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed." Revelation 13:14-15

2. Artificial Intelligence: In Revelation 13:15 the False Prophet is able to become almost like a creator in providing the ability for the image of the beast to become self conscious and then issue it's own directive. Considering the developments with Boston Dynamics  and various transhumanistic initiatives in the development of artificial intelligence, one can only wonder if Revelation 13:15 could be indicative of mankind achieving the most incredible technological achievement in human history, the birth of self autonomous artificial intelligence.

We have already seen that the False Prophet is someone into dark arts because Revelation 16:12 tells us that demonic spirits maneuver themselves out of his mouth as well as the Antichrist and Satan.

"And I saw, coming out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet, three unclean spirits like frogs. For they are demonic spirits, performing signs, who go abroad to the kings of the whole world, to assemble them for battle on the great day of God the Almighty." Revelation 16:13-14


The clue for understanding the end times is not so much about Islam even though Islam has it's place as far as the end times is concerned, it's not about the European Union even though the European union has it's place as far as the end times is concerned and it's not about Russia or America even though they both has their place as far as the end times is concerned. The clue to understanding the end times seemingly is based on one thing; advanced technology, because it is this which will be responsible for what the Bible identifies as the "delusion" and "deception" of the end times.

There seems to be a two pronged assault by our "spiritual adversary" on humanity in these end times. One is obviously through genetics and the corruption of the human genome, just as in the days of Noah, and we have already extensively covered the recent advances in science with CRISPR technology, synthetic mRNA and other new forms of genetic engineering which are tinkering with the natural order of the genetic and biological code.

However, there is another assault taking place, one which involves the corruption of the mind through the use of virtual reality and the actual manipulation of the human sensory mechanism. It is important to note that the concept of virtual reality within Hollywood is nothing new. I am sure you will be familiar with many movies with a virtual reality based storyline, some more science fiction based, and others with a more supernatural tone.

But I can hear you asking the question "what on earth does virtual reality have to do with the end times". For many, the concept of virtual reality is seemingly just a mode of entertainment that you will find in  video and computer entertainment. Simply, technology recreating a fake reality that can be viewed through expensive viewing equipment.



What you are about to watch below is a clip from the 1999 movie Revelation 2: Apocalypse. As with most Christian movies from that time period, the acting is so-so, and the production value is mediocre. But what will blow you away is watching how they connect the Mark of the Beast with virtual reality. The Day Of Wonders referred to in the movie, as you might have guessed by now is virtual reality. Everyone in the whole world was to be given a headset to see this incredible new world that awaited them there, but what they got when they put them on was anything but that.




It wasn't just Revelation 2: Apocalypse which had set warning bells ringing. During the early 1990s Serge Monast, a Canadian journalist is known for having brought into the light of day, classified UN information regarding a NASA project named “Blue Beam”. As a result of the sensitive information which he was making known to the public, Serge realized that his life was in danger and voiced his opinion that he did not expect to survive after been threatened on many occasions.

In fact, a pattern emerged in which every time he released new information that was publicized, an ongoing string of tragic events occurred for himself and his family. He and his family were faithful believers and had committed to home schooling their children. Serge and his 7 year old son were eventually detained by authorities after consecutive releases of information, allegedly to protect the boy from instability at home. Serge’s son was placed in foster care and he was released from custody. However, his daughter was then taken with claims that the children were being abused by not being allowed to attend public school. His children were never returned.

In the aftermath of his arrest, the following day in his home, December 5th, 1996, Serge suffered a massive coronary which ended his life in his wife’s arms. In documents that he released to the public before his death he said,

“When I decided to release some tiny parts of information concerning the NASA BLUE BEAM PROJECT, I was not sure if i would survive my stand against the New World Order’s most sophisticated project, set up to bring to their knees all men of all nations, cultures and religions.

But now, following my own Christian conscience and my real and deep love for all my unknown brothers and sisters in America and in other parts of the world, i freely accept the loss of my life, if that must be the case, for the Truth – for Jesus Christ, by releasing for the first time ever, the four major steps of the Satanic Blue Beam Project.”

The smartphone was a seismic shift for the technology industry, creating entirely new business models, apps became $100 billion companies while replacing everything from digital cameras to in-car GPS systems. But smartphone sales have dropped two calendar years straight for the first time, according to Gartner. Smartphones are old news. The tech industry’s next bet is a series of technologies usually called augmented reality (AR) or mixed reality. The vision usually involves some kind of computer worn in front of the user’s eyes. Users will still be able to see most of the real world in front of them, unlike virtual reality, which completely immerses the user in a computer-generated fantasyland, augmented reality layers computer-generated text and images on top of reality.



The three types of reality that have been ruling the technology world in the last few decades are Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality. But did you know what the fundamental differences between the three are?



The internet was made public in 1994, and it ushered in a time of global connection never seen in human history, and in the 27 years since, it has revealed itself to be true fullfillment of its name as the world-wide web, catching the whole world in its web. But as it turns out, this unprecedented leap in technology is only the platform for something really scary if you believe the Bible, and they call it the Metaverse.

The Metaverse is now the next concept beyond "Mixed Reality". It will be a virtual world where reality will no longer have meaning, a world where fantasy, imagination and demonic spirits all meet to wreak havoc. The past 50 years of video games, avatars, phone apps, movies and television shows have all prepared mankind for this coming experience.

"The Metaverse is going to be the biggest revolution in computing platforms the world has seen, bigger than the mobile revolution, bigger than the web revolution." Marc Whitten, Senior Vice President and General Manager, Unity Software Inc.

Unity is building tools and services to enable people to create Metaverse content. Other big technology companies are developing​ hardware and software products for the Metaverse​, or their own virtual worlds within it, including Nvidia Corp. , Roblox Corp. , Epic Games Inc., Microsoft Corporation  and Facebook.



The short video below is a commercial advertisement from Microsoft where they talk about the Metaverse that they are building and how it will transform society as we know it. Clearly the global implementation of the 5G network (and the 6G network to come) has been a significant reason why they have managed to push through the boundaries of virtual reality to now provide a new dimension of reality that simply was unheard of a decade ago.



It is no secret that one of the other companies leading an advanced exploration of the Metaverse is Mark Zuckerberg's, Facebook. One of their leading brands behind the development of virtual reality technology is Oculus which is a brand of Facebook Technologies LLC (formerly known as Oculus VR, LLC), which itself is a subsidiary of Facebook, Inc. The division produces virtual reality headsets, including the Oculus Rift and Oculus Quest lines.

"In addition to being the next generation of the internet, the metaverse is also going to be the next chapter for us as a company...In coming years, I expect people will transition from seeing us primarily as a social media company to seeing us as a metaverse company." Mark Zuckerbeg, CEO, Facebook



One of the most recent developments that has just come to light is that Facebook is preparing to undergo one of the most explosive rebranding exercises in the technology world based on the concept of Metaverse. Amid growing scrutiny over its tactics and ethics, Facebook is reportedly planning a makeover, which would involve building a "metaverse." The rumors have surfaced at a time when the company is under increased scrutiny over its practices.



It was only a few years ago when Facebook Inc. agreed to acquire CTRL-Labs, a technology start-up that is building software to let people control a digital avatar using only their thoughts. Facebook, the world’s largest social network paid between $500 million and $1 billion, according to people familiar with the deal. The closely held start-up, which has dozens of employees and had raised tens of millions in venture capital, uses a bracelet to measure neuron activity in a subject’s arm to determine movement that person is thinking about, even if they aren’t physically moving. That neuron activity is then translated into movement on a digital screen.

Technology like CTRL-Labs’s may someday be a crucial part of products like augmented reality glasses, where a user might want to control a computer without the need for buttons or a keyboard. “Your hands could be in your pocket, behind you,” explained Thomas Reardon, chief executive officer of CTRL-Labs, at an industry conference a few years ago. “It’s the intention to move, not the movement” itself that controls the avatar, he said.

After all that we have talked about so far there will be some of you still with some doubt that virtual reality is linked in anyway to the demonic or the coming of the Antichrist. Now don't get me wrong, we have to consistently affirm it's not the technology that is evil. The technology no doubt will have many incredible positive applications, however, it is how the technology will be used in the global tyranny agenda which is of concern. As evil has always done throughout the centuries, it always masks itself as a force for good. It uses a decoy or camouflage so that its true intentions can overwhelm before the watchmen sound the alarm.

We have written extensively about this over the last decade. Older members may remember the following reports which helped us all to understand some of the things we have mentioned so far. (If you are a newer member that doesn't have access to the reports below then these will be made available by default as part of this particular project).

So consider this. It would appear that there are three phases to this technological agenda.

STAGE ONE: Getting the whole world in front of a computer. This was successfully accomplished in 1994 with the twin whammy of the release of the Internet for public use, and the stratospheric rise of Windows software in personal computing systems. This stage lasted from 1994 to 2007, when Apple was the first company to market with a successful mobile device, or smartphone as they are commonly called.

STAGE TWO: Getting the computer on you. Now that the whole world was attached to personal computers and laptops, Stage Two is where the computer went from being in front of you to being on you. Stop anyone one the street and ask them to you show their mobile device, and you will see it is somewhere on their body. The stage began as previously stated in 2007 with the iPhone from Apple, and is currently coming to an end here now in 2019/2020.

STAGE THREE: Getting the computer inside you. Augmented reality smart glasses, in all their varied mutations, are the bridge to human implantable microchips and computer processors. When this stage is fully realized, wearers of the smart glasses will be able to have full 3D interactions in the air as computers screens as we know them today will cease to exist. The technology that will be developed during this stage, 2020 – 2030, will include implantable devices that will supplement the smart glasses. This is where the Metaverse and human implantables will merge and it is likely to raise deep moral, ethical and spiritual questions regarding the possible plunge of humanity to depths of evil and wickedness not see in the history of the human race.


Is it wrong to do immoral acts in Virtual Reality? This is explored in a play called “The Nether” (2013) by Jennifer Hayley, where in a fully immersive virtual world a man engages in pedophilia. When confronted by the police in reality (in the play), he argues that this is a safe way to realize his unacceptable drives without harming anyone at all. As stated by Giles Fraser writing in The Guardian newspaper, “Even by watching and applauding the production I felt somehow complicit in, or at least too much in the company of, what was being imagined. Some thoughts one shouldn't think. Some ideas ought to be banished from one's head.” But on the other hand, “Policing the imagination is the ultimate fascism."

All of this is the precursor to the coming One World System under Antichrist, and his Mark of the Beast. Now you can see that when the Mark is rolled out, it may not be some new thing that boggles people’s minds, no, just the opposite. When the Mark of the Beast comes along, the Mark might simply be the ‘latest and greatest’ piece of technology to a world that has already been using Augmented Reality and Metaverse systems and gotten used to seeing things in advanced dimensions.

There have been a growing number of movies released about digital reality, artificial intelligence and consciousness transfer  but the two movies which sit high on the all time list are "The Mandela Effect" and "The Beyond". Would you like to watch these two movies as a complimentary gift? See the trailers below and if you support us by registering for "Day of Wonders" special items like this will await you.

SNEAK PREVIEW OF The Mandela Effect

The Mandela Effect is a recent science fiction film written and directed by David Guy Levy, starring Charlie Hofheimer as a father grieving for the loss of his daughter, played by Madeleine McGraw, who becomes obsessed with facts and events that many people remember incorrectly. Aleksa Palladino plays his also-grieving wife, while Robin Lord Taylor plays his best friend and brother-in-law. He turns to a washed-up scientist, played by Clarke Peters, to discover that the reality they are experiencing is part of a computer simulation.


By all standards this is possibly one of the most realistic futuristic movies of all time. The Beyond chronicles the groundbreaking mission which sent astronauts - modified with advanced robotics, through a newly discovered wormhole known as the Void. When the mission returns unexpectedly, the space agency races to discover what the astronauts encountered on their first of its kind interstellar space journey.


Several weeks ago one of our good friends told us about a piece of technology kit he had bought called an Oculus VR 2.0 Headset. Our friend has a 89 year old mother who has been a widow for the last 22 years and one of the main reasons for purchasing this Oculus VR was because he wanted to provide her an experience of a life time. Living in Canada she has never been back to her country of origin, Italy since 1985.

With the kit he was able to link it to a simulated experience of Rome where she would be able to experience direct experience with ancient Rome. He said when he put the viewing device over her eyes after ensuring they were in a hall with significant space and no things she could bump into, he said she literally froze for about 2 minutes, then she sobbed and start panicking calling out his name. 2 minutes of experience had literally overwhelmed her with confusion and emotion.

Despite him telling her that it was simply a simulation her mind simply couldn't distinguish between reality and the simulation and being in the middle of ancient Rome brought a flood of memories from her time growing up in Rome, emotions that had been untapped for decades.

For those of you who may also be in the elder years of your life it is likely that when you were growing up as a child and then teenager that you never would have thought you would live to see the technologies that are now available today. Technological achievement is the product of the incredible capacity that God breathed into man to pursue innovation, creativity and expansion as his remit to subdue the earth and have dominion.

"Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.” Genesis 1:26-29

Technology is not evil and many of the technologies we see around us have a tremendous opportunity to improve our lives and facilitate greater efficiency and management of society on a whole. But unfortunately, we do not live in the world alone. There are spiritual adversaries that seek to pollute, corrupt and destroy. The result of this is that technology has been weaponized to heap destruction, corruption and pollution of the minds of men.



Transhumanist Evangelists is what they call themselves. Young, vibrant, energetic and great communicators who are fast attracting significant support from colleges, universities and academia with their enticing and magnetic personalities. Speaking of the next shift in consciousness and the role of virtual reality in helping us to achieve this great divide between where we are now and where we eventually will be.....But dangerous men to those who can see through the facade and detect there is something spiritual at stake regarding the consciousness and minds of men.



"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." John 10:10

Day of Wonders, is our latest project which unpacks troubling evidence of how the thief through willing reprobate men, is manipulating technological innovation as a means by which to steal, kill and destroy. Will you stand against the delusion sweeping the land?

"The word of the Lord came to me: “Son of man, speak to your people and say to them, If I bring the sword upon a land, and the people of the land take a man from among them, and make him their watchman, and if he sees the sword coming upon the land and blows the trumpet and warns the people, then if anyone who hears the sound of the trumpet does not take warning, and the sword comes and takes him away, his blood shall be upon his own head. He heard the sound of the trumpet and did not take warning; his blood shall be upon himself. But if he had taken warning, he would have saved his life." Ezekiel 33:1-5


(Four massive online videos and over 17 hours worth of visual content)

* Please note in the discussion of the content below, "Virtual Reality" is used in the broad sense of
 covering "Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality", "Mixed Reality" and "Metaverse", unless contextualised uniquely

POST-HUMAN (5 Hour Documentary)

Movies like "Avatar", "The Beyond", "The Lawnmower Man", "The Titan", "Limitless" and "Transcendence" are constantly reinforcing the concept of something that is beyond what we consider to be the standard definition of a human being. In this incredible documentary we examine some of the most recent developments in post-human technology. What are the ethical, moral, spiritual and legal complications that could arise from these -in-human procedures and aspirations that would pull science right into the realms of the metaphysical and possibly supernatural. Post-Human is a 5 hour documentary that leaves no stone "unturned" as we explore these "new generation" technologies and the their progression of the human race to Human 2.0.

Establish a deep understanding of Mind-Uploads, Neural Networks and Consciousness transfer.
Explore the latest developments with Neuralink, Neural Lace, Brain-Computer interfaces, Head transplants and Surgical life extension.
Understand who is behind the massive investment into Lab-Grown Organs, 3D Bioprinting, Regenerative Medicine, Anti-Aging, Cryogenics and Human Stem Cell Research?

Why is Gene Therapy, Transfection, and Retrovirus Engineering constantly being brought up in regard to the mRNA Covid-19 vaccines.


Learn why the European Union Human Brain Project (HBP) is the largest brain science project in Europe and stands among the biggest research projects ever funded by the European Union.


Learn why DARPA, the U.S. Department of Defense's research arm, is paying scientists to invent ways to instantly read soldiers' minds using tools like genetic engineering, nanotechnology and infrared beams.


Come face to face with the companies who have already begun deploying "digital people" and learn how the worlds biggest brands and celebrities are deploying digital people to deliver the power of empathetic customer experience. These include Google, Sony, IBM Watson, Microsoft, Procter and Gamble, Wells Fargo, Natwest,  Ogilvy and the World Health Organization.


THE INFINITE RETINA (5 Hour Documentary)

The Infinite Retina is  a powerful understanding of how the transforming of optical perception by Virtual Reality all the way through to Mixed Reality and the Metaverse, will fundamentally change the very social fabric of society as we know it. When your retina processes what you see and shoots the information off to your brain via optic nerves, your brain isn’t smart enough to discern the difference between real and unreal, taking the image you see, should it be seamless enough, as truth. This will be perceived to be the ultimate door to an infinite world of possibilities where there exists the possibly of extreme pleasure and intense pain.
In this documentary we will come to understand more about concepts such as the Oculus Rift, Simulacra, Post Modernism, the Holographic Principle, Simulated Realities, Augmented Reality and the Metaverse. Next generation technologies that are becoming increasingly possible because of 5G/6G.

We explore a critical question in who controls and regulates these augmentations. There’s an incentive for corporations and groups alike to misinform and deceive through optical trickery, to augment reality very specifically and very cynically. You could tempt a diabetic or heart disease patient to purchase something they shouldn’t. You could take cyber bullying to a whole new level by unleashing a phobia on a victim. You could torture a prisoner in their own environment with electric shocks or water boarding without ever touching the prisoner yet intimidating them to the point of confession. The point is this: You could use augmented reality to harm someone psychologically, perhaps physically, maybe even to the point of death — and you could walk away without punishment.
Understand how this new paradigm shift in making alternate realities more accessible will lead to the loss of empathy, emotion, love and breakdown in normal human relationships as people prioritise digital relationships due to the lure of self gratification and instant pleasure. Virtual violence and pornography will be readily available as they are currently in video games and on the internet and it will feel more real. This might have significant social consequences.  Taking this to its extreme, we could eventually become an abstract society in which people never meet face-to-face. For instance, individuals living in a virtual fantasy world with an enhanced virtual body  returning to a disabled or limited body leading to dissatisfaction with real life.
Even though augmented reality applications usually ask for consent to use data that you’re sending back to the company, most companies assume that if you’re using their technology, you’re automatically allowing them to access your everyday actions and change the algorithm to potentially access more of your daily activity and personal information than you might know. And for the most part, they’re legally correct!

SOUL (4 Hour Documentary)

The new paradigm shifting tools that are exploding into life around us are raising questions about what it really means to be a human and leading to reclassifications of what it means to have a "spirit" or "soul". Can we still trust the biblical prescription for understanding the "body-spirit-soul" triad?, especially after the release in 2015 of a new age book called "Soul DNA" and its definition of a spiritual genetic system composed of gifts and talents, abilities, free will, memories, reincarnation, communication, energy vibration and universal law. The end result seemingly supporting secular thinking, that the biblical definition is archaic and outdated. In this documentary we explore:

Why are there more books written about the "soul" in the new age movement and personal development space than there is in Christianity?
Is the concept of "soul-ties" theologically correct?
What happens to the soul if consciousness is transferred from one body to another?
Where does the soul reside. Is it in our brain?, DNA? or somewhere else?
Is there a difference between our "spirit" and our "soul"? and is consciousness any one of these two? or is it another part of our existence which is distinct from the "spirit" and the "soul?"
What happens to the human soul when the body dies? or where someone suffers brain damage to the detriment of losing awareness and communication? or when someone has fallen into a coma?
In the 2020 Disney movie called "Soul", is there any truth to its portrayal of the pre-existence of the soul before conception, a concept known as "pre-existence" or "pre-election", championed by a growing number of Christian authors.

THE STRONG DELUSION (3 Hour Documentary)

"Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen. Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error. Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done." Romans 1:24-28

In the past we have focused on "the great falling away" within Christendom, but what about "the strong delusion" that will captivate the world at large. The Strong delusion documentary is the final video documentary in this project,  themed on the reality that spiritual forces are at work manipulating these virtual reality technologies for the sole purpose of corrupting the minds of men and making them reprobate.

We explore how technology becomes problematic when it promises to make users bored with the real world God has created. Many people already use entertainment as a retreat from the struggles of the real world. Virtual reality can greatly increase the allure of virtual retreat and further increase our discontentment with our lives.
Understand that the irony of nearly all 21st century technologies is how they promise to connect us but in reality tend to make us drift apart. Facebook purports to connect us to friends, but their business model is keeping us on Facebook and away from our actual relationships as long as possible. Time on Facebook equals revenue. It is not hard to imagine Virtual Reality prompting people to retreat into virtual worlds and in some cases abandoning family relationships, friendships and real-world responsibilities. A technology with the ability to erase physical borders will likely build walls within families.
Explore how given its great potential to immerse the senses, perhaps we should not be surprised that the porn industry is at the forefront of supporting virtual reality technology. Without going into needless detail, Virtual Reality has the potential to further enslave millions of people including many in our churches to porn addiction and digital sexual sin. The danger of pornography is nothing new, but with Virtual Reality the entanglement may be all the more insidious and deadly to many of our brothers and sisters in Christ, not to mention to a lost and dying world.
Previously, new age practices such as astral projection were actions that required effort, discipline and training of the subconscious. It is more than likely that the introduction of these occult practices into Mixed Reality will provide easier access for people to be drawn into the supernatural without the physical challenges that would come living in the real world. For instances virtual experiences where you can experience a magic fraternity initiation ritual first hand in a virtual temple based on the Order of the Golden Dawn.
Learn how ongoing, consistent, powerful, Virtual Reality experiences and virtual embodiment can lead to emotional, cognitive, and behavioral changes where the mind becomes unable to distinguish between true reality and synthetic reality will lead to significant social problems where psychological effects such as hallucinations, trauma, mind control and the opening of doorways to seducing spirits and thus demonic possession will undermine the spiritual nature of what it means to be human.

We believe that additional research material will only serve to help you further in your quest for truth. That is why we have assembled below a tremendous collection of informative publication insights below. You will notice that like a tapestry, every one of the 4 titles below address a unique segment within the journey of Day of Wonders, yet all interlink with each to present a full and insightful analysis.


As mentioned it is not technology that is evil but man's heart and so the question is are there ways that we can embrace new technologies without allowing them to corrupt us? The invention of the printing press catalyzed Martin Luther’s reformation; radios and televisions delivered Billy Graham’s gospel proclamations to millions of households. Technological advancements have undoubtedly advanced kingdom work for centuries—but is the same true for the burgeoning technologies of today? As virtual reality becomes increasingly prominent throughout society, churches must assess how to respond thoughtfully and biblically. In Virtual Reality Church, theologians Darrell Bock and Jonathan Armstrong present a systematic reflection on how to faithfully apply virtual reality for ministry purposes. They examine the risks—like compromising the meaning of tangible worship—and opportunities—like safely reaching persecuted churches—of integrating revolutionary technologies into the Christian life. Learn to think critically, theologically, and pastorally about new technologies so that you can faithfully advance the gospel into the future.


What if your memories no longer matched reality? You think you must be misremembering things, but thousands of others remember them exactly the same way you do. A growing contingent of researchers believe you could be experiencing the Mandela Effect – a startling evolution in human consciousness. Researchers, modern metaphysicians, and documentary researchers, Eileen Colts, Paulo M. Pinto, Shane C. Robinson, and Vannessa VA join forces to explore every possible angle of this often unsettling phenomenon spreading worldwide.

“Big, inexplicable, instantaneous changes are being observed in movies, books, art, logos, geography, human anatomy, celestial constellations - and every conceivable type of historical fact and event. "Mandela Effect: Friend or Foe?" is an excellent resource for understanding, coming to terms with, and ultimately embracing the staggering implications of the Mandela Effect. Highly recommended!” - Cynthia Sue Larson, author of "Quantum Jumps" and "Reality Shifts."


As cutting edge physics increasingly suggests that we may live in a multiverse filled with alternative realities, what possible relevance can Jesus have for our lives? Discover how faith is vitally necessary for the integrity of our souls in this new vision of God’s glorious, endless creation.

Theologian, pastor, and critically acclaimed science fiction author David Williams leads us on a journey through this complex and mind-bending topic with grace and humor. Christ and the Multiverse shows the growth of human knowledge brought us to the realization that there could be countless alternative realities. In the face of that dizzying possibility, the book lays out how this cosmology connects with the Gospel. Deeper still, it shows how the moral teachings of Jesus are even more critically relevant.

A concise, gently funny journey through the history of how we understand creation;
The amazing ways multiverse cosmologies make centuries old Christian squabbling about theology irrelevant;
Why the multiverse not only doesn’t eliminate the need for God, but makes God necessary;
How to make moral, Christ-centered, lifegiving choices in a creation where outcomes are probabilities rather than certainties.


Geoengineered Transhumanism articulates the picture of what geoengineering has been from its very inception decades ago: to control the ionosphere with phased array heater blasts so as to maintain an ionized atmosphere in which chemicals, nanotechnology, and synbio synergies can be continuously laid by jets, drones, and rockets in the name of "climate change."

Thus, the groundwork for the synbio (synthetic biology) neural network inside Human 1.0 began by manipulating the macro environment upon which our extraordinary interior micro environment depends. The air we breathe, the soil we grow our food in, the water we must replenish-all have been commandeered by biotech and Big Pharma for Human 2.0 Transhumanism. Chemicals, nanotechnology, and electromagnetics are manipulated for geoengineering, genetics, and vaccinations, all in preparation for the software phase of the brain-computer interface (BCI) we now face after decades of "quiet war" preparation.



This first complimentary bonus (1 hour online video documentary) will provide very interesting perspectives for you to ponder over and is a complimentary addition to the rest of the information that is ready for you to have access to.


“Welcome to 2030. I own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better” is the title of an article in Forbes Magazine written by Danish politician Ida Auken. It was published back on November 10, 2016. Auken’s article is a vision of a city in 2030 where everything regarded now as a product would have turned into a service because of technology. Auken sees herself as owning nothing there and concludes that it would be a “good life,” although she expresses annoyance with the lack of privacy. Based on primary evidence, China is the primary test model for a new dystopian digital surveillance society where the population, without any privacy, play by the rules and are rewarded. This documentary provides the frightening reality of where the rest of the world will be shortly heading. Essentially, this new dystopian, digital surveillance society is the exact  architecture of what we see in Revelation 13.


This second complimentary bonus (2 hour audio documentary) will provide very interesting perspectives for you to ponder over and is a complimentary addition to the rest of the information that is ready for you to have access to.


Birkbeck, University of London is a world-class research and teaching institution, especially within the area of criminal law and crime scene investigation. A past documentary revealed that the law faculty there stated that if governments passed legislation for new life forms to be created in the area of human/animals chimera's it would completely change everything in regards to the methodology of crime scene investigation. Because now we would be dealing with something not fully human with a possibly completely different set of behaviors, characteristics and instincts. This concern is also applicable to "Our Final Invention." Are you aware that HBO hit series Westworld, is conditioning the world for synthetic sin & religion in the last days. This documentary discusses the next phase of human cloning, demonic avatars, DNA altering microchips, 3-D biological printers and reanimation, the compartmentalized conspiracy of global cabals and the kingdom of the Beast; All delivered within the framework of a biblical perspective.


This third complimentary bonus (an electronic publication) will provide very interesting perspectives for you to ponder over and is a complimentary addition to the rest of the information that is ready for you to have access to.


They are modern-day robber barons. Big Tech Tyrants don’t know the meaning of privacy, when it comes to you. They try to make you believe they will provide their products  (social media platforms, virtual reality tools) as a service to society, when really, they are vacuuming your personal data. They use this data to discover your deepest secrets. Are you or your partner trying to get pregnant? Are you underwater financially? Are you having an extramarital affair? Do you have a tidy nest egg? Are you a conservative supporter? Are you against the Covid-19 vaccine? Are you a conservative Christian? Your personal data is extremely valuable to them—and they use it—and abuse. Not only that, they also consider themselves the most enlightened the world has ever seen—so they know what’s best for you to see—from the news and information you read to the political candidates they think you should vote for. They censor news and only let you see what they want you to see. This is an eye-opening must read for anyone living in the twenty-first century!

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Powerful online video documentaries including the likes of Post-Human, the Infinite Retina, Soul and The Strong Delusion.


Supplementary electronic publications, including the likes of Virtual Reality Church, Friend or Foe, Christ and the Multiverse and Geoengineered Transhumanism.


Complimentary bonuses: You Will Own Nothing and Be Happy, Our Final Invention and Big Tech Tyrants.

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Is there not a time as now which needs such critical thoughts, perspectives and insights?

The above online video publications, electronic publications and audio documentary presentations are simply at the cutting edge of bible prophecy research and will undoubtedly challenge you and stir you to do your own research.

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